August 1, 2022

Book Blogger Hop - Do you read while listening?

 The Book Blogger Hop is hosted weekly by Coffee Addicted Writer on Fridays and ends the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. 


This week's prompt is:

If you are listening to an audiobook, do you follow along with the print version?

When I listen to an audiobook, it's because I need my hands and/or my eyes. So no, I do not read along in print while an audiobook plays. That kind of multisensory reading could be beneficial to me if I were needing to thoroughly study something though! I could see it being useful for college school work. However in the practical sense, it just wouldn't work for me for pleasure. I enjoy listening to audiobooks while driving, doing laundry, making dinner etc. It's all about using the most of my time with audiobooks. I might as well just read, which is often times faster and I can speed read if needed *wink*

What about you? Do you read and listen? Why or why not?

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