August 26, 2022

The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon

The Winter PeopleThe Winter People by Jennifer McMahon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Happened upon a copy of this at the thrift store and it looked intriguing, so I picked it up for 99 cents in paperback. Then it collected dust for about 8 months.

Why did I wait so long to read it???

This book has mystery, possible murder, magic, suspense and supernatural. It's a nice haunting package.

Dual timelines are followed in this. One in the late 1800s, one in modern day. I much preferred the 1800s timeline until near the end for the modern day timeline. No spoilers :) 

A woman in the 1800s has lost her beloved daughter. She would do anything to know who hurt her little girl and how to bring her back. In modern day, a mother goes missing without a trace. How do they connect? Can they be brought back? What happens if they come back? Does life go back to normal? You'll have to read to find out.

Great for those who want to read a spooky book that won't prevent sleep ;)

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