August 24, 2023

Let The Library Be Your Lifesaver - Door Hanger

 It's that time of year again, back to school!

This means that at my library branch, we are getting ready for story time with our classrooms. Each week we host about a dozen classrooms of preschoolers. Each class comes in for its own storytime session.

This year, I wanted to let the teachers know how else we can support them. So I made a cute little teacher favor to pass out.

Door hangers!

On one side it reads: "Let the library be your lifesaver." 

On the other side, it lists what resources we offer that could benefit our preschool teachers.

Then I stapled individually wrapped lifesavers to each and hung them on their doors after school.

I think this is a great way to welcome our teachers back to school and help further support them in their classrooms, plus increase the utilization and circulation of materials.

You can download a copy here on Canva.

If you want to edit, just click "File" then "Make a copy." You'll then be able to edit with your library name and whatever resources you'd like to add!

Have you made any teacher favors to promote your library? Let me know in the comments!

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